Exhibitions currently open at the LHM:
Permanent Exhibition
This old house museum has permanent displays associated with the early German settlers.

Cato Manor Heritage Centre
Permanent Exhibition
This permanent display depicts the history of Cato Manor using various audiovisual installations and large prints.
Permanent Exhibition
“The Durban System”
A permanent exhibition reflecting on the system of control imposed on African people in Durban which became known as the infamous “Durban System”
Temporary Exhibition
Durban As Never Seen Before.
Permanent Exhibition
A photographic reflection of life in Cato Manor as seen through the camera of Mr SB Bourquin.
Permanent Exhibition
Andrew Zondo Exhibition
‘Why I did it?’ is an exhibition exploring the role played by Andrew Zondo in the struggle for freedom. The exhibition was opened at the Kwa Muhle Museum on 26 November 2008 and focuses on Andrew’s role in the bombing of the Sanlam Centre shopping centre in Amanzimtoti in 1985.
“The exhibition is aimed at forging reconciliation and create a common destiny for the citizens of city and country,” said Thembinkosi Ngcobo, Head, Parks Recreation and Culture. Shortly after the exhibition was opened the slogan “murderer” was sprayed onto the museum walls in likely response to the exhibition. Mr Ngcobo welcomed this act as an expression of opinion.
The exhibition, which is still on at the KwaMuhle Museum, will hopefully continue to stimulate debate.
Temporary Exhibition
The Natives Land Act of 1913.

Temporary Exhibition
Items from Greenacres Department Store
A selection of model motor cars, part of the Lipschitz Collection
Temporary Exhibition
Durban in World War 1
A commemorative exhibition to honor Durban’s contribution in the Great War during the WW1 Centenary, with a special focus on the South African Native Labour Contingent, The Mendi and Compounds in France.
Temporary Exhibition
Nat Nakasa
A Native of Nowhere.
Permanent Exhibition
Permanent Exhibition
Take a step back in time as you enter this unique exhibit which portrays aspects of Durban’s past:
- “The Clermont sugar mill”,
- “Fynn’s cottage”,
- “Miss Fann’s haberdashery store” and the old “Apothecary”
Temporary Exhibition
“ANTON MUZIWAKHE LEMBEDE, Youth Leadership – Then and Now.” an exhibition on the first President of the African National Congress Youth League.
Temporary Exhibition
The Cussons Collection of model ships
The Movers and Shakers – a display of miniature figurines
Permanent Exhibition
A permanent exhibition showcasing the domestic lifestyle of upper middle class settlers is presented with in the context of a recreated old house, which was once the residence of Sir John Robinson, Natal’s first Prime Minister and owner of the newspaper the “Natal Mercury”.
Temporary Exhibition
A small temporary display of dolls is also on view.

Permanent Exhibition
This museum focuses on the history of Pinetown and the displays reflect the multi cultural diversity of the region.
Permanent Exhibition
The SAS Durban – a Coniston Class Minesweeper (Currently in drydock and closed to the public)
The JR More – an oil fired steam tug – An audio guide tour of the JR More can be hired at the museum and provides visitors with the opportunity to explore the tug at their leisure while at the same time gain an understanding of the workings of the vessel.
Permanent Exhibition
The Ulundi – a coal fired steam tug ( as the vessel is presently undergoing refurbishment it may be closed periodically to enable maintenance work to be completed)
The Khayalethu – The Glow Worm– Lifeboat from the harbour tug FT Bates
NCS Challenger – Anthony Steward’s small yacht on which he sailed single handed around the world.
Various items associated with cargo handling
An audio guide tour relating to these exhibits provides visitors with the opportunity to explore the exhibis at their leisure, contact the attendant at the museum shop for more details.
Permanent Exhibition
“Port Natal – Port of Durban”
In photographs and drawings this exhibition describes the early difficulties of providing access into the harbour; the controversial engineering structures in the form of two piers and enormous amounts of dredging and the ports development from early beginnings.